Meeting outside in the cool weather of early spring, Laura Roberts, the Van Vleck Gardens Director of Horticulture, led a very informative workshop to jump start the season that's beginning to unfold.
First up, composting. Learning about the ratios of browns to greens and what should and shouldn't be added to the pile, Laura made a good case for cold, not hot, composting as the way to go. While learning the how to and why of this regenerative, soil building gardening practice, an earthquake hit the area which passed unnoticed until cell phones started pinging!
Then on to the Edible Garden where all that good compost is put to use. Showcasing cool season crops to plant in the fall and in early spring, Laura pulled up carrots and radish that grew under row covers through the relatively mild winter and then planted peas for an early summer harvest. The bounty is shared with Toni's Kitchen. We're fortunate to have Laura Roberts share her expertise with us. Now it's time to get growing! Members are welcome to the workshop handout and notes here.