The 2023-24 Yearbook is here, thanks to a marvelous team effort from the Yearbook Committee and our dedicated Chairs and Vice Chairs. You should be receiving the latest edition by mail or hand delivered to you on or before Labor Day weekend.
Highlights include:
Our gorgeous Cover Photo featuring the Eastern Black Swallowtail (pollinator) and Garden Phlox (native perennial) in support of the Club’s Environmental Mission. We have Claire Stepleton to thank for her outstanding photography.
A simplified Calendar focused on events and featuring program and workshop descriptions. Check out the terrific Program speakers Cynthia Corhan-Aitken and Karen Fricke secured, and the talented workshop instructors Celia Radek arranged.
A dedicated section for Competition Schedules and rules for Flower Design, Horticulture, and Botanical Arts. Fran Ackerly, Barbara Baletti, Michele Trevenen, Karen Whitehaus, Florence Leyssène, and Debbie Moran have a fabulous set of challenges for all our horticulturists and designers.
Streamlined Committee Reports that hit all the high points of last year’s accomplishments, including an impressive summary of 2022’s Arts & Flowers: A Design Standard Flower Show by Barbara Baletti.
Up to date Membership Directory and Provisional List, current as of 8/1/23. Many thanks to Cheryl Slutzky, Sue Young, and Fran Wong for their efforts. As always, the website will have any additions or changes in real time.
In addition, Sue Young has ensured the website is fully up to date with all of the information in the 2023-24 Yearbook. The online Calendar is current and reflects the most recent changes to our Club year.
Producing the Yearbook is a labor of love over the summertime, so please congratulate our truly dedicated team: Fran Ackerly, Janice Benton, Karen DeLuca, Florence Leyssène, Sheila Oakes, Sara H. Olson, Ragna Sloane, Nancy Stroud, Karen Whitehaus, Fran Wong, and Sue Young.
—Floss O’Sullivan, Editor