Garden Therapy is looking for a few additional volunteers to assist at our flower arranging event at Oasis on October 13. We will meet there at 1 pm to begin setting up and the workshop will begin at 1:30 pm. The workshop will not last longer than an hour. The address is: 59 Mill Street in Paterson.
Here are the Covid policies that Oasis is following as per their Director:
The event will be held inside in their new large health and wellness room, so we can adequately space people out.
The Oasis COVID policy is the same one the Governor has applied to NJ public schools. The staff is required to vaccinate or provide a negative test each week. (At least 85% of the staff is vaccinated.) All volunteers must be vaccinated as well. Everyone must wear a mask at all times. They do not require the vaccination status of students or clients (so they don’t know if clients are vaccinated). They are of course masked. They try to distance when possible.
Interested club members should RSVP to Sarah Olson, or Susan Dumont,
Oasis is very excited that we are coming back to work with their clients since it was so very popular when we did it in 2020.