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Flower Design 101

On October 12 at the Flower Design 101 workshop, NGC accredited Master Flower Show Judges Florence Leyssène and Debbie Moran led members through the elements and principles of flower design. Before we even got to the flowers themselves we learned about the main prinicples (balance, contrast, rhythm, proportion, nd more) through thoughtfully made diagrams and fascinating examples (the different types of spheres was a great one).

We also dove into a comparison of these elements and principles as they relate to traditional and creative design. The examples of each that they displayed were stunning! Members enjoyed identifying which principles were being used and where; finding any mistakes (nearly impossible!); and witnessing some bold manipulations with the clippers.

We are so lucky that this is a two-part series as there is so much to learn and Florence and Debbie have a wealth of knowledge that could never fit into one workshop! Flower Design 102 on October 27 gives attendees the chance to put the principles into action.

Thank you to all who attended and made this a wonderful event and a very special thanks to Celia Radek for helping to facilitate!

— Allyn Young



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